Broken Images by Girish Karnad
Broken Images by Girish Karnad What is Manjula accused of? Answer: Manjula is a Kannad writer. She has been writing in Kannad but suddenly she turns to write in a novel in Englis. It has made many people displeased and she is accused of writing for readers abroad. Which two questions are generally asked to an author? Answer: The first question is ‘after having written in Kannad all your life why did you suddenly choose to write in English’ and the second question is about the book itself. Who is the realistic character in Manjula’s novel? Answer: The realistic character in the story is the character of Malini whom Manjula nursed in her last days. The other character and the plot are entirely fictional. How did Manjula and Pramod meet? Answer: Manjula shifted to Banglore after completion of her study to do a job. There she met Pramod. What does Malini suffer from? Explain. Answer: She was physically challenged. Suffered from meningo mye...