
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Adventure of the Three Garridebs Arthur Conan Doyle

 The Adventure of the Three Garridebs Arthur Conan Doyle  Understanding The Text 1. What clues did Sherlock Holmes work upon to get at the fact that the story of the three Garridebs was a ruse? Ans: Key clues Holmes used to determine the story was a ruse: The advertisement used American spellings like "plow" instead of "plough" It mentioned "buck-boards" and "artesian wells" which are more common in America The overall style was typical of an American advertisement, not a British one John Garrideb's accent and mannerisms suggested he was American pretending to be British 2. What was John Garrideb’s objective in inventing the story of Alexander Hamilton Garrideb and his legacy? Ans: John Garrideb's objective in inventing the story was to get Nathan Garrideb out of his apartment so John could access the hidden counterfeiting equipment in the cellar underneath. 3. Why didn’t John Garrideb like the idea of including Holmes i