Inside the Haveli by Rama Mehta

About the Author
Rama Mehta was born and educated in Nainital. She is the first woman to be appointed to the renowned Indian Foreign Service but she resigned her position after her marriage. She became a top sociologist, lecturer and novelist. She married into an aristocratic family of the erstwhile Mewar
state. There is a significant resemblance between the life of the protagonist (Geeta) of the novel Inside the Haveli and Mehta’s own.

Outline story of 'Inside the Haveli"
Section I
The novel opens with the entry of Geeta, the protagonist of the novel in a new situation. Geeta, the protagonist is a girl born and brought up in Bombay. She had studied in co-educational college and had an exposure to metropolitan life. She comes to Udaipur as the nineteen-year-old bride of Ajay Singh, a professor of science. The novel begins with a negative stance. At the end of the novel, Geeta accepts the life of the haveli as a willing prisoner as she finds that the haveli stood for its typical features – grandeur, pride, dignity and honour.
Ajay‘s ancestors were the ministers of the Ranas of Udaipur and their haveli, Jeevan Niwas, was one of the biggest and the most prestigious havelis of Udaipur. It is an immense cultural shock for a spontaneous, vivacious and educated girl like Geeta to adjust and adapt to the stringent and traditional ways of the haveli, wherein women kept purdah. The novel presents the story of the protagonist’s identity–crisis in the cross–cultural content. Brought up in Bombay, Geeta the independent young woman struggles to maintain her modern identity in a traditional world of the haveli of Udaipur, where she is married. Therefore, the novel projects a journey to find woman space in the society and to search one’s own authentic identity. Geeta tried to speak in a distinctively personal voice, among the collective voice, asserting the autonomy of women.
Geeta, being outsider knows nothing about the traditions and values of the haveli. Her frank, talkative and spontaneous nature would be the main obstacle in adjusting with the old traditional world of haveli. Her husband Ajay was also an educated man working as a professor of science in Udaipur University. Geeta felt suffocated in the haveli besides all comforts and wealth around her. There was only hope to her that her husband may get job in Dehli where they could settle and get rid of the haveli life.
The novel is set in Udaipur, once the capital of the state of Mewar. It is famous for its grand history and noble heritage. The city is surrounded with beautiful natural scenes. The gateways palaces and havelis are city’s typical features. The novel provides the readers entry into the haveli of Sangram Singhji. Sangram Singhji was one of the trusted ministers of the king of Mewar.
The typical structure of haveli, having different sections creates the suitable atmosphere for the novel. The historical courtyard with three rooms is at the entry of the haveli. Further, there are many more rooms. There were separate rooms for women keeping the aim of purdah system. Women were confined to their rooms only and no woman was entering in the male section. Males of the family and very close relatives were allowed to enter into women section or rooms. While entering, male also have to give announcement of their entry. The servants male as well as female were comparatively enjoying the freedom. The maid servants can have conversation with their husbands as there was no intersecting wall among them.
Geeta felt very awkward in the haveli as was taken as outsider in the haveli. No one was positive about her. Everyone used to say that she needed a training to learn the system of the haveli and the member in the family. Her husband was the only help for her but it was also only in night time. The traditional system of the haveli was not permitting this new couple to live together. Ajay, being educated also do not agree with this structure but he was helpless before the elders and the tradition. Geeta’s maid, Dhapu played very important role as she was her friend and guide. She taught Geeta the manners and etiquettes required in the haveli. She used to give advice regarding how to shake hand others. She was told to speak a little and maximum answers can be given with nodding only. Geeta was curious to listen what happens outside her room.
Geeta’s father-in-law, Bhagwat Singhji and mother-in-law, Kanwarni Sa were very strict. Her mother-in-law used give orders to all the family. She enjoyed the dignity in the family. Her self-confidence was so much that she spoke very strongly and even moved in the house with special power. She gave regular instructions with high pitch to Geeta regarding family matters. Though she was strict, she was full of concern and affection. The incident of fastening the bracelet on Geeta’s wrist is sentimental one. She plainly announced her as the next to her; meant Geeta had to take charge after her. Geeta learnt the ways of living in the haveli day by day. She was introduced with Ajay’s relatives – uncles and aunts in the course of time. They used to visit the haveli frequently.
Geeta learnt the ways of haveli within two years perfectly. She had forgotten her past and adopted the tradition of the haveli. Here, Geeta compromised with new situation and tradition. She changed herself totally any how she could live very amicably with the haveli life. The manner of respecting the elders was rather artificial one but it helped to maintain the unity and harmony in the haveli. Unpleasant words and loud voice was strictly restricted in the haveli so everyone used to speak in a low voice. Geeta also learnt to control her feelings and words. Very soon, Geeta was liked by all. She also respected all her family members. She showed great respect for her mother-in-law who gave her blessings for happy life.
Part II
Many of women were frequently invited by Geeta’s mother-in-law to have chatting and refreshment. Many times singing and dancing programs were arranged during the evening time. All her family members (only males) attended those functions with enthusiasm. They exhibit their aristocratic style in taste of dresses. Ajay’s grandfather was old enough who used to recall the memories of celebrations in the past. Ajay’s birth was celebrated with a grand party. Geeta’s mother-in-law respected her mother-in-law, Bhabha Sa despite her scolding words many times. Geeta’s father-in-law, Bhagwat Singhji was kind and noble man. He managed the matters of haveli though the revenues were cut down regularly. He arranged the celebration of Vijay’s (Geeta and Ajay’s daughter) birth with a grand funfair.
The death of Bhabha Sa was the sad incident in the haveli. Her death was mourned for near about 13 days by all family. The haveli was experiencing the dignified silence. No one, including children was happy and in a merrymaking mood. The relatives and neighbouring families joined the mourning and consoled them. Karwarni Sa felt very sad over the death of her mother-in-law. She expressed the words of gratitude for her guidance and care taken for last fifty years. The family was extending warm welcome to all visitors and relatives in the past. Bhabha Sa was managing all the internal affairs. Now this responsibility falls on Kanwarni Sa who has to manage the duties, rituals and customs of the family.
Meantime, one minor episode was introduced in which the author provide a space for servants in the family. The driver, Heeralal tried to develop illicit relationship with the maid servant, Lakshmi. He used to provide her many gifts – saries, edibles etc. to attract her. But she did not respond him positively. Her husband, Gangaram was very simple man. Once, he found the halwa packet and suspected the nature of Lakshmi. He accused her in harsh words. So, she left the house permanently leaving her daughter, Sita in the haveli. All searched her with no success. Once Khyali, another maid servant saw her and requested to returen the haveli but she did not listen her too.
Part III
Geeta got accustomed with haveli life. She had learnt the ways of haveli. Her mother-in-law got tired and felt weakness. So, Geeta started shouldering the responsibility of haveli besides the duties of her two children, Vijay Sa and Vikram. Her involvement in the haveli’s routine life experienced the weight of the walls that restrict her the outer world. She was caring Sita, Lakshmi’s daughter as like her own children. She decided to send her to school. Everybody objected her plan of sending Sita to have education. Considering the suggestion of Dhapu, to seek permission from Bhagwat Singhji, she requested him for her education. Her request was sanctioned when she placed it via Pari. Bhagwat Singhji permitted Sita’s education uttering – it is better to be in school than play in the street. Sita was admitted to a school with great objections from many of the relatives of Bhagwat Singhji. Nandu Buo Sa, Manji Buo Sa and Kanta Bua sa. But somehow, Geeta succeeded in changing the static life of the haveli. Sita got some friends to play with her.
By teaching reading and writing to maid servants, Geeta wanted to free them from ignorance and superstition. Sita enjoyed the school very much. Other children admired her saying – “Little Mistress”. Geeta also started classes for the children from neighbourhood families and became very happy to stay and enjoy the haveli life. Ajay’s promotion and cancellation of going to Dehli, did not make her nervous. Geeta showed sympathy for the situation of poor people who spent more money on functions such as – marriage, engagement, superstitious activities and so on to enjoy the life. The maids of the haveli joined the school; though they made fun of Geeta and her proposal of school in the beginning. After some days, women recorded the complaints about girls and their education as it made them more and more disobedient. Nandu and Manji complained that Geeta’s school had generated many problems. All thought that the school was responsible to lose the dignity of the haveli. Geeta became very strong and declared that she would not endure any action that might dishonor haveli and her aging-in-laws. She expresses her gratitude towards her family members who showered the love, kindness and care. Geeta’s mother-in-law accepted Geeta and her proposal of classes and extended strong support for its continuity.
Part IV
In the course of time, all members became old. The haveli also looked old one. No celebrations were organized as before. The honour of haveli was diminishing. Geeta and her mother-in-law cared haveli to preserve its tradition of yearlong respect. The new generation knew nothing about the glorious past history of the haveli. Ajay’s promotion and his cancellation of shifting to Dehli were welcomed by Geeta with enthusiasm. Though liked or not, Geeta accepted all the ways of living of the haveli except the purdah system. She tried to preserve the dignity of the haveli. Her classes of learning and sewing encouraged the poor to search for their identity. This social work was making the poor people aware about their rights and freedom. It was her good luck that her in-laws supported all her proposals.
Meanwhile, Sita was proposed by an educated boy, Shivaram. Every one admired Geeta’s contribution in allowing education to Sita anyhow she could get such a match. Geeta knew that the marriage was the only security for women and so every woman must prove themselves to have a suitable life partner. Geeta’s daughter, Vijay Bai Sa also was proposed by Vir Singh, the son of Daulat Singhji. Geeta’s mother-in-law accepted that proposal only with an object to develop good relations among those two families. Geeta objected the proposal because her daughter was only of thirteen years old. She objected for child marriage which was not new in Rajasthan. Everyone except Geeta accepted that proposal. Geeta strongly protested against early marriage. She tried to convince her husband that marrying a girl at an early age is the criminal act. She also blamed that all her family members were also running after money, prestige. Here, her husband, Ajay defended his parents saying they were never after money. All of them give more importance to the integrity and honesty of the family.
The marriage of came in the way of her learning. She left the school. Geeta also accepted her leaving the school as there was no other way to convince them. Geeta and her mother-in-law’s visit to Daulat Singhji’s haveli. She saw Vir Singhji, the proposed husband of Vijay Bai Sa and remembered her marriage with Ajay. As like Ajay, Vir Singhji was also handsome looking boy. After observing Vir Singhji, Geeta had to change her opinion. His dignified way and nobleness were his plus points that impressed Geeta very much. She also had not seen her own prospective husband, Ajay who was selected by her mother. As like Ajay, Vir Singhji also belonged to good family which is the important factor in fixing the marriage of a daughter.
Part V
The marriage ceremony of Sita was a grand ritual function as it was supported by the whole haveli. Lot of functions were performed before the actual marriage. Sarju, mid-wife bathed Sita applying various aromatic herbs and pastes any she could look more and more attractive. Sita’s father, Gangaram was very happy to see the marriage ceremony of his daughter. He also remembered his wife, Lakshmi who suffered a lot without her own mistake. Sita came across one old woman who gave her a box containing a red saree, a skirt, two silver rings, a pair of silver anklets and a box of kumkum powder. Sita cried very much when she was told about that old woman who was no one else but her own mother. On the actual day of marriage, Sita looked rather changed and mature. It indicated the way of Indian life. The bridegroom arrived on a bridal horse wearing very attractive dress. His face was covered with strings of silver threads and flowers tied to his turban. All relatives were given a warm welcome for that function. Everyone was in happy mood. The priest chanted vedic hymns and Sita and Shivram were asked to exchange the garlands. Dhapu and her husband played the temporary roles of Sita’s parents. Sita’s leaving with Shivram made everyone sad. There were no bounds for their sad expressions. Geeta became very sad. Gangaram was happy as he was relieved from his important responsibility. The whole haveli missed Sita. After a few days, Sita returned to haveli. She was looking like a happy bird. Everyone asked her about her in-laws. She was happy to share her in-laws experiences with whole haveli.
It is the typical Indian tradition to see the matching of horoscope of a girl and boy for finalizing their marriage. Though there were many proposals for Vir Singhji, according to matching the horoscope, Vijay was suitable one. Their horoscope matched perfectly and so the whole haveli’s joy had no bounds. Geeta also agreed that he was the suitable husband for her daughter. But her mind was not ready to marry her so early. Geeta’s father-in-law convinced her that Vijay’s education would be continued even after her marriage. He also convinced Geeta that the girl had to marry and leave her father’s house one day. Bhagwat Singhji talked with Daulat Singhji about Vijay’s education after her marriage for which he also gave the consent. Geeta was still unable to decide as her mind was not approving for the child marriage. But finally, she agreed for their marriage.
Part VI
Meantime, Bhagwat Singhji felt ill as he got a heart attack. That incident made all haveli nervous again. Geeta and her husband Ajay lost the joy of their daughter’s proposal. When Geeta observed that her father-in-law’s health was deteriorating day by day, she felt worried. She understood that the whole responsibility of haveli would come to her husband, Ajay after Bhagwat Singhji’s end. She was also worried as Ajay had no experience of managing the haveli matters. If he failed to shoulder the responsibility of the haveli and preserving its past dignity, glory, pride etc. the whole village would blame him. Geeta did not want to happen it so she was ready to struggle for preserving haveli’s dignity at all cost.
Bhagwat Singhji was getting weak and weak every day. The hope of his recovery was lost. In his final days, Geeta understood his greatness of mind. He instructed his accountant to pay the debt of Gangaram incurred for Sita’s marriage. He played the role of a huge tree under which every one of haveli got the shelter. Geeta observed the falling of that tree making all helpless. His son, Ajay was going to replace him. All were in doubt whether Ajay could manage all the haveli matters in the absence of Bhagwat Singhji. Geeta understood the true importance of Bhagwat Singhji and so became restless when he was counting his last moments. Geeta, her mother-in-law and husband were beside the bed continuously at last stage of her father-in-law. She only knew that the absence of her father-in-law was the great loss which may make total haveli weak one. All wept continuously over his death. Geeta observed the complete change in her mother-in-law after her father-in-law’s death. The tradition of the haveli provided her black saree, no bangles, and no ornaments either in her wrist, neck or ankles. This changed picture of her mother-in-law made her to cling and cry.
Geeta’s mother-in-law tried to console her saying – Don’t cry, my child. My husband lived honourably leaving you behind as the mistress of the haveli. The proof of your love to him would be your keeping the haveli as trust for your children. Geeta’s final decision is the turning point in the haveli. She was very aggressive and protested the customs and traditions of the haveli. But after the death of her father-in law made her to change that attitude and struggle for haveli’s traditional sanctity. She decided to accept all the rules and conventions of the haveli that provided dignity, security and kinship. So she became happy to be the ‘willing prisoner’ of the haveli.

It’s the story of the protagonist Geeta’s identity crisis in the cross-cultural context. Brought up in Bombay, Geeta the independent young woman struggles to maintain her modern identity in a traditional world of the haveli of Udaipur, where she is married off. The aristocratic culture of the haveli and the setting of Udaipur in Rajasthan evolve the socio-cultural context in the novel. As an amalgamation of tradition and modernity, Geeta is definitely a role model for thousands of women who are caught in the complexity of dilemma of traditions and modernity even today.
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  1. Very nice tells about the tradition of India

  2. I've been searching for it all over the world. Appreciate your efforts. Really helpful. Thanks a lot.

  3. The way of your teaching is really cool . I worth it !!


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