The Rattrap by Selma Lagerlof


The Rattrap by Selma Lagerlof

Once there was a peddler who sold rattraps with a little thievery on the side to make both ends meet. He had no worldly possession and even any relatives.

One day he got amused to think of the world as a rattrap and all the material possessions as bait as the world, he felt was never kind to him. Moreover, he prided himself in the fact that he was out of it.

He takes shelter at a crofter’s cottage. The crofter welcomed him, gave him dinner, shared his pipe, played cards with him and also confided in him about his income of 30 kroners and showed him where he had put it.

Next morning, the Peddler steals the money and takes the back roads to keep away from people and gets lost in the jungle at night. While he wanders in the forest he realizes that he has also got caught in the rattrap and that the money was the bait.

Finally, he reaches Ramsjo Ironworks, where he takes shelter for the night. The blacksmith and his assistant ignore him but their master mistakes him to be an old acquaintance, Captain Von Stahl and invites him home. Though the Peddler does not correct the ironmaster, hoping to get some money out of him, he declines his invitation. The ironmaster then sends his daughter who persuades him to come home with her for Christmas.

The Peddler is scrubbed, bathed, given a haircut, a shave and a suit of old clothes of the ironmaster. In the morning light, the iron master realizes his mistake that he is not the Captain. The ironmaster get angry and orders him to get out of his house.  The compassionate Edla convinces her father to let him spend the Christmas day with them.

The Peddler spends the whole of Christmas Eve eating and sleeping. The next day at church, Edla and her father come to know that the Peddler is a thief who has stolen thirty kroners from the poor crofter. They rush back home fearing a theft at their place also. But back home, the peddler had already gone and had left a letter addressed to Edla, signed as Captain Von Stahl along with a rattrap as a gift from him. In the rattrap were the three ten kroner notes of the crofter.

NCERT Book Solution  

Page No: 34

Think As you Read
1. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?
Answer: One day the peddler was thinking of his rattraps. Suddenly he was struck by an idea that the whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages was nothing but a big rattrap. It offered riches and joys, shelter and food as baits in the same manner as the rattrap offered cheese and pork. As soon as someone touches the bait, he finds himself in the trap.

2. Why was he amused by this idea?


Why was the peddler amused at the idea of the world being a rattrap? 


Why did the peddler derive pleasure from his idea of the world as a rattrap? 

Answer: The world had never been kind to the peddler. So he was full of bitterness against the world. He had become a cynic and he enjoyed visualizing the world as a rattrap ready to entrap anybody who was tempted by the baits it had to offer.So he was amused to think about the people who were already caught in the trap and others circling around the bait.
3. Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter?
Answer: No, the peddler did not expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter. This was because usually he was greeted by ‘sour’ and unfriendly faces whenever he knocked on doors and requested for shelter.
4. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? 
Answer: The crofter was an old man without wife and children. He was living a monotonous and dull life in solitude. Naturally, he was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. So he was talkative and friendly with the peddler. He welcomed his guest very warmly. He offered him food and shelter.

5. Why did he show the thirty kroner to the peddler?
Answer: The crofter had nobody to share his happiness with. He was really satisfied and overjoyed to earn thirty kronor in a month. Hence, he showed the amount to the peddler. Another possible reason is that he suspected that his guest did not believe him.
6. Did the peddler respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter?
Answer: No, the peddler did not respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. In fact, he betrayed his trust by robbing the thirty kronors from him.
However, later in the story, his conscience was awakened and he returned money to Edla and asked her to return the money to the crofter.

Page No: 37
1. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap?
Answer: After stealing the crofter’s money, the peddler believed that it was not safe to walk on the public highway. So he went into the woods. But it was a big and confusing forest. He walked and walked but could not get out of it. The forest having its trunks, branches and thickets appeared to him a big rattrap. Then he realized that he had fallen into the rattrap.
2. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?
Answer: In the uncertain reflection from furnace, the ironmaster mistook the peddler as his old regimental comrade, Captain Von Stahle. His condition was very miserable. So he wanted to help an old acquaintance. He also wanted his company on Christmas Eve. So the ironmaster spoke kindly to the peddler and invited him home.
3. Why did the peddler decline the invitation?
Answer: The peddler knew that the ironmaster had mistaken him as his old regiment comrade. The invitation by the ironmaster did not please the peddler since the he had the stolen money in his pocket. He thought that it would be like throwing himself voluntarily into the lion’s den. He was scared and frightened. So he declined the invitation.
Page No: 41
1. What made the peddler accept Edla Willmansson’s invitation?
Answer: Edla Willmansson had better power of persuasion. She looked at the peddler quite compassionately. She knew he was afraid. So she assured him that no harm would come to him and he would be allowed to leave just as freely as he came. Her friendly manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accepted the invitation.
2. What doubts did Edla have about the peddler?
Answer: When Edla went to the iron mill to fetch the peddler, she noticed that he was frightened. She had doubts that the peddler had stolen something or had escaped prison. His appearance and behaviour also left her in doubts whether he was actually an educated man, as claimed by her father.
3. When did the ironmaster realise his mistake?
Answer: The ironmaster realised his mistake the next day when the peddler turned up at breakfast. The valet had bathed the peddler, cut his hair, shaved him and given him clothes. The ironmaster realised that he had been deceived in recognising the person because of the reflection of the furnace, the previous night.
4. What did the peddler say in his defence when it was clear that he was not the person the ironmaster had thought he was?
Answer: The ironmaster came to know the reality about the peddler the next morning. The peddler in his defence explained that he never pretended to be what he was not. He showed himself as a poor trader. He only desired to sleep in the forge for the night. He had declined the ironmaster’s invitation again and again.
5. Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him?
Answer: The peddler’s true identity came to light the next morning. But Edla served the peddler not as her father’s old comrade. Even after knowing the reality about the peddler she wanted him to stay with them on Christmas Eve and enjoy a day of peace. In her view it was not proper to chase away a person whom they had invited on Christmas.
Page No: 42
1. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?
Answer: When Edla opened the package of gift left by the peddler she felt very happy. She found a small rattrap with three wrinkled ten kronor notes and a letter addressed to her. He had left the 30 kronors for its rightful owner. He was not a thief but his circumstances made him so. She was happy to note that after all the peddler had changed.
2. Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle? 
Answer: The poor peddler had been living in hostile conditions all his life and had no peace or protection. After the kindness that the Ironmaster and his daughter showed him on Christmas Eve just as they would have shown to an acquaintance or Captain von Stahle himself, he felt indebted. The peddler also got an opportunity to absolve himself of the crime of stealing from the crofter and hence escaped the rattrap.
Page No: 43
Understanding the Text
1. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the ironmaster and his daughter?
Answer: The different ways in which the peddler repaid the three people corresponds to the way he interpreted the kindness of the three people. The peddler realised that for the crofter it was his craving for company that led him to offer his hospitality. The ironmaster’s hospitality apparently is limited to his acquaintances. It was only the daughter who genuinely offered warmth and goodness to the peddler. He was touched by Edla’s kindness and it made him want to act differently. He repaid her good treatment with a gesture of true gratitude.
2. What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways?
Answer: The Ironmaster was deceived by the appearance of the peddler and believed him to be Captain von Stahle, a former colleague of his and therefore was kind to him. However, once he realized his mistake he did not want to help a stranger and straightaway considered him to be thief.

Ironmaster’s daughter on the other hand was generous and kind to him. She realized that the peddler had suffered all his life and never had somebody to care for him. She wanted everybody to celebrate the Christmas Eve in its true spirit with peace and safety. So she convinced her father to let the peddler stay.

Only on the account of generosity showed by the daughter, the peddler realizes that not all the world is offering a bait to put you in a rattrap but some people can be genuinely kind.
3. The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises.
Answer: The first instance is that of the crofter’s hospitality to the peddler. The rattrap peddler, used to being shooed away, was surprised at the friendly behaviour of the crofter. The peddlar was also surprised at the sudden invitation given by the ironmaster, who was himself shocked to realise his mistake in recognising the peddler, the next day. Another unexpected reaction, for both the peddler and the ironmaster, is Edla’s intervention to seek peddler’s presence for Christmas. However, the most unexpected reaction is from the peddler when he leaves the package and the letter for Edla, showing gratitude to the girl’s hospitality and respect for him.
4. What made the peddler finally change his ways?
Answer: Edla Willmansson treated the tramp in a friendly manner. She was nice and kind to her. She interceded on his behalf when her father was about to turn him out. She still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him. She offered him the snit as Christmas present and invited him to spend the next Christmas with them. Her love and understanding aroused the essential goodness of the peddler and he changed his ways.

5. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?
Answer: The metaphor of the rattrap signifies that the world exists only to trap people by setting baits for them. Whenever someone is tempted by the luxuries, he ends up being caught in a dangerous trap. The author, thus, makes a much deeper comment on the woeful plight of those in pursuit of the worldly pleasures, which often lead them to unfortunate situations. The story helps in realising the importance of general goodness and kindness. The peddler is saved from the snare of the huge rattrap called world only when he appreciates the kindness to him by Edla.
6. The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humour. How does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endear him to us?
Answer: The peddler doesn’t come across as a humorous person, although one can locate a subtle sense of humour in the way he thinks about the world as being a giant rattrap. He is singularly pleased by this thought of his because it provides him with the opportunity of thinking ‘ill’ of the world that is not kind to him. It is clearly visible that whenever he gets caught unaware, in the web of deceit spun by his scheming mind, he hides behind the thought that the world is a rattrap and he merely a prey. Thus, he lightens the mood and theme of the story and makes us endear him.
Talking about the Text
Discuss the following in groups of four. Each group can deal with one topic. Present the views of your group to the whole class.
1. The reader’s sympathy is with the peddler right from the beginning of the story. Why is this so? Is the sympathy justified?
Answer: From the beginning, the rattrap seller is shown as a victim of his situation and not a downright evil character. The peddler had to resort to beggary and stealing because his business is not profitable enough to make both ends meet. His condition of penury does not allow him to be fully righteous. Moreover, we find that he lacks friends and guide to steer him in the right path. The sympathy is justified because in the end we find out that the peddler is capable of appreciating genuine goodness and hospitality. When he is treated with respect and kindness, he reciprocates the same in the best way he can.
2. The story also focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others.
The Rattrap deals with the issues of human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Not only the peddler but also other characters like the crofter, the ironmaster and Edla emphasise this fact.
Answer: The peddler’s conscience had left him because he had been lonely in his predicament, for a long time. But Edla’s kindness and hospitality changed him. The crofter, on the other hand, is a lonely fellow whose craving for company leads him to give shelter to a vagabond, and he ends up getting robbed. Even, the ironmaster and his daughter suffer from loneliness. They crave company on Christmas Eve and are excited when they get the opportunity to serve a guest.
4. The story is both entertaining and philosophical.
Answer: The story is told in the form of a fairy tale with a happy ending. The narrative is interesting with many surprises and attention-grabbing dialogues. The twists and the unexpected reactions of the characters often astonish the reader making the story entertaining. 
However, the author has carefully managed to weave philosophical elements into the storyline. The rattrap peddler’s comparison of the whole world with a giant rattrap makes this an interesting commentary on how such people end up getting trapped in the giant chasm. The story also makes an observation on the inherent goodness of people. It also showcases how goodness and kindness shown by some people can change others’ perspective.

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

1. From where did the peddler get the ideas of the world being a rattrap?

Answer: One day the peddler was thinking of his rattraps. Suddenly he was struck by an idea that the whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages was nothing but a big rattrap. It offered riches and joys, shelter and food as baits in the same manner as the rattrap offered cheese and pork. As soon as someone touches the bait, he finds himself in the trap.

2. How did the crofter behave with the peddler after opening the door?

Answer: The peddler was surprised to see that the owner of the cottage did not get irritated when he knocked at the door at night, but gave him a warm welcome and provided him with food and shelter. He was treated like a guest.

3. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap?

Answer: After stealing the crofter’s money, the peddler believed that it was not safe to walk on the public highway. So he went into the woods. But it was a big and confusing forest. He walked and walked but could not get out of it. The forest having its trunks, branches and thickets appeared to him a big rattrap. Then he realized that he had fallen into the rattrap.

4. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home and why did the peddler decline the invitation?

Answer: In the uncertain reflection from furnace, the ironmaster mistook the peddler as his old regimental comrade, Captain Von Stahle. His condition was very miserable. So he wanted to help an old acquaintance. He also wanted his company on Christmas Eve. So the ironmaster spoke kindly to the peddler and invited him home.

Since he had the stolen money in his pocket he thought that it would be like throwing himself voluntarily into the lion’s den.

5. What made the peddler accept Edla Williamson’s invitation?

Answer: Edla Willmansson had better power of persuasion. She looked at the peddler quite compassionately. She knew he was afraid. So she assured him that no harm would come to him and he would be allowed to leave just as freely as he came. Her friendly manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accepted the invitation.

6. Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him?

Answer: The peddler’s true identity came to light the next morning. But Edla served the peddler not as her father’s old comrade. Even after knowing the reality about the peddler she wanted him to stay with them on Christmas Eve and enjoy a day of peace. In her view it was not proper to chase away a person whom they had invited on Christmas.

7. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?

Answer: Edla felt very dejected when she came to know about the theft of the crofter’s money by the peddler, but the gift left behind, which consisted of a small rattrap and three wrinkled ten kronor notes, restored her faith in him. Her kindness had finally changed the peddler and brought out his essential goodness.

8. What was the reaction of the peddler after stealing thirty Kroner of the old man?

Answer: After having stolen thirty kroner from the crofter, the peddler realized that he could not walk on the public highway and so he turned off the road into the woods. It was a big and confusing forest and the paths twisted back and forth. He walked for a long time without coining to the end of the woods.

9. Do you think that the peddler is a great philosopher? Explain.

Answer: The peddler seems a great philosopher. He says that the whole world is nothing but a big rat trap. All the good things that are offered to anyone are nothing but cheese and bits of pork, set out to drag a poor fellow into trouble. But we realise he doesn’t behave seriously on his own thoughts.

Answer the following questions in 115-125 words each:

1. Why did the peddler say about the world being a big rattrap? How did he once get into a trap?

Answer: The world had never been kind to the peddler. So he was full of bitterness against the world. He had become a cynic and he enjoyed visualizing the world as a rattrap ready to entrap anybody who was tempted by the baits it had to offer. So he was amused to think about the people who were already caught in the trap and others circling around the bait.

After leaving crofter’s cottage, the peddler kept to the woods in order to avoid the police. He felt that he was caught in the world’s rattrap because after stealing crofter’s money he realized that it was bait for him and if he took to the road, police would catch him.

2. Why did the iron master insist on taking peddler home? Why did he change his attitude later?

Answer: On his nightly round for inspection, he saw the ragged fellow, near the furnace. He walked near to him to look closely. Considering him as an old acquaintance he spoke kindly to the peddler and invited him home for Christmas celebration.

The ironmaster realised his mistake the next day when the peddler turned up at breakfast. The valet had bathed the peddler, cut his hair, shaved him and given him clothes. The ironmaster realised that he had been deceived in recognising the person because of the reflection of the furnace, the previous night.

3. Attempt a character sketch of the peddler in the story ‘The Rattrap’?

Answer: The rattrap seller was a poor vagabond, wearing shabby ragged clothes. He sold rattraps to earn a very meager livelihood. At times he resorted to petty thievery. He considered the entire world as a big rattrap and all the men and women as rats vulnerable to be trapped to various types of baits. He himself got trapped in this rattrap when he stole thirty kronor of the old crofter.


He was always in search of securing some money, by hook or crook. As a result he got into trouble the second time when the Ironmaster mistook him for an old companion and he did not correct him. However, there was some goodness left in him that was brought to surface by kind Edla, the Ironmaster’s elder daughter. At the end he transformed himself and returned the stolen money to the crofter through Edla.

4. Who was Edla? How did she change the peddler’s behaviour?

Answer: Edla is the iron master’s daughter. She is modest, kind, considerate kind of a girl. She has more persuasive powers than her father. When the peddler refuses ironmaster’s request for the Christmas, he sends his daughter. She introduces herself and requests to come for Christmas. She feels sorry for his hard time. She assures the captain that he will be allowed to leave just as freely as he comes. Her manners, attitude and openness create confidence in the peddler. He accompanies her because she has better insight of human understanding.

When his truth comes out and the father asks the peddler to get out of his house Edla pleads for the stranger saying, ‘‘I think he ought to stay with us today.’’ She closes the door and takes the stranger by the hand to the dining table. She shows her compassion saying ‘‘where ever he turns, he is chased away. I would like to have him a day of peace with us just once in the whole year.’’

Her deep kindness and sympathy have a magic effect on the peddler. It awakens essential goodness in the stranger. So he rises above the evils of greed and cheating because of a young girl. E thanks her for saving him from falling into the world’s rattrap.

5. How did the rattrap peddler lead his life and why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle in the end?

Answer: The peddler has been wandering all alone and had met sour faces and got shabby treatment. His life was dull and disappointing. No one had ever cared to share his suffering and agony. Everyone chased him away wherever he went, thus he lead a lonely and monotonous life.

The peddler signed himself as Captain von Stable because Edla had treated him as if he was a captain. He added, he was a rat who would have been caught in this world's rattrap if he had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got the power to clear himself.


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