Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda


Poem  Keeping Quiet (Pablo Neruda)

The poet talks about the need of silence and quiet introspection and the importance of quietude and calmness. He also talks about creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings. The poet asks us to keep still and count up to twelve. He also asks us to sit still. For a moment we should not speak any language. We should not move our arms so much. It will be a moment of complete silence without rush or worry. This would be an exotic moment.

Then a sudden strangeness will prevail which we will all enjoy. It will be bliss. The fisherman would not harm the whales on the cold sea. Even the man gathering salt would stop working and look at his hurt hands and reflect at the pain and harm his strenuous task has caused him. All kinds of wars must be stopped at once. The green wars against the environment, wars with poisonous gases, firearms, must be stopped at once.

People who are all the time preparing for wars leaving no survivors behind ought to find time to wear clothes and walk around with their brothers strengthening the message of peace and brotherhood. At the same time the poet cautions not to confuse stillness with total inactivity. Life is an ongoing process and should not be associated with death. It is to be lived with positive attitude. He does not want us to ruminate over death.

But he feels that if for once we do not focus ourselves single-mindedly to keep our lives moving but do some introspection or spend some time in silence doing nothing, we can understand ourselves better and escape from the threatening calls of death. The earth can teach us a lesson how everything comes to a dead end and comes to life again. In the same manner a quiet introspection can bring all evil thoughts to an end and bring in a new life of peace and tranquility. Now the poet will count up to twelve and they should keep quiet and he will go.

NCERT Book Solution

Think it Out (Page No: 96)

1. What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve? 

Answer:  Counting up to twelve takes very short time. Keeping still for this brief interval of time gives us a momentary pause to introspect and review the course of action. It is generally observed that most of the ills and troubles of the world are caused by our rush or hurry. Violence is caused by anger. Keeping quiet and still will give us necessary respite and ensure peace.

2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?

Answer:  No, the poet doesn't advocate either total inactivity or death. He makes it quite clear that 'stillness' should not be confused with 'total inactivity' or equated to it. Total inactivity brings death. But Neruda has 'no truck with death'. His stillness means halting of harmful and hostile human activities.

3. What is the 'sadness' that the poet refers to in the poem?

Answer:  The poet refers to the 'sadness' of failing to understand oneself in the monotonous every day existence. He also finds it sad that the humanity is moving towards its own ruin owing to its unanalyzed actions. He regrets the rush of outdoing others that has made us forget the values of humanity.

4. What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under apparent stillness?            

Answer:  The poet uses the symbol of the earth to illustrate the point that there can be life under apparent stillness.

Q. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

What I want should not be confused

with total inactivity.

Life is what it is about;

I want no truck with death.              

(i) Name the poem and the poet of the above stanza.

Answer: Poem- Keeping Quiet, Poet- Pablo Neruda

(ii) What does the poet mean by “inactivity”?

Answer: The poet means ‘complete stillness’ or ‘no movement’ by “inactivity”.

(iii) Explain what life is all about, according to the poet?

Answer: According to the poet life is all about movement and action. It is meant to live to the fullest with happiness.

(iv) What is the ultimate expectation of the poet from all human beings?

Answer: The poet expects all human beings introspect and live with peace and brotherhood.  We live by maintaining harmony with the earth.

Q. Now we will count to twelve

and we will all keep still.

For once on the face of the Earth

 let’s not speak in any language,

let’s stop for one second,

and not move our arms so much.                 

(a) What is the significance of the number ‘twelve’?

Answer: The number twelve represents the twelve marks on the clock to measure time. Twelve is a short time span and the poet wants us to sit and meditate to introspect, ponder and predetermine our future.

(b) Which two activities does the poet want us to stop?

Answer: The poet wants us to stop using any language and to suspend all our wasteful activities.

(c) What does the poet mean by let’s not speak in any language’?

Answer: The poet suggests that we should keep quiet for some time so that we can introspect. When we use any language we indulge in debates and arguments thus never able to create a feeling of mutual understanding among ourselves.

(d) Describe the pun on the word, ‘arms’.

Answer: The word ‘arms’ means not only human arms but also refers to the arms and ammunition that are used in the wars to harm others.

Q. Perhaps the Earth can teach us

as when everything seems dead

and later proves to be alive

 Now I’ll count up to twelve

and you keep quiet and I will go.                  

(i) What does the Earth teach us?                           

Answer: The earth teaches us how to be in harmony with others while remaining silent and productive.

(ii) What does the poet mean to achieve by counting up to twelve?        

Answer: The poet appeals to mankind to make an effort to keep silent for a few seconds and introspect in order to make amends for a harmonious environment.

(iii) What is the significance of ‘keeping quiet’?                          

Answer: The poet urges us that we should stop all our wasteful activities for a moment. Let us give up using all our machines and engines for a short while because most of our troubles are due to our hurry and becoming rash. We should do introspection and keeping still will pave our path for peace.

1. Now we will count to twelve

 and we will all keep still

 For once on the face of the earth

 let’s not speak in any language,

 let’s stop for one second,

 and not move our arms so much.

(a) How long does the poet want to stay still?

Answer: The poet wants to count up to twelve and stay still during the time we are counting to twelve.

(b) What does he hope to achieve by keeping quiet?

Answer: The poet hopes to achieve and realise the value of quiet introspection. In this silence we shall all feel together and experience a strange feeling of togetherness.

(c) What does the poet mean by ‘not move our arms so much’?

Answer: The poet advises us to stop all the wasteful activities. ‘not move our arms so much’ emphasises  the importance of physical inactivity to lessen destruction caused by man.

2. For once on the face of the Earth

Let’s not speak in any language.

Let’s stop for one second.

And not move our arms so much.

(a) Why does the poet want us to keep quiet?                                     

Answer: The poet wants us to keep quiet to retrospect and do self-assessment for mental peace and save human race from doom.

(b) What does he want us to do for one second?                          

Answer: He wants us to remain quiet for one second and stop moving our arms. In fact he wants us to stop any kind of wasteful activities.

(c) What does he mean by ‘not move our arms’?                        

Answer: By not moving our arms means no activity or movement, so as to harm anybody. Symbolically by this he means no war or violence or wasteful activity.


 3. It would be an exotic moment

    without rush, without engines,

     we would all be together

     in a sudden strangeness.

(a) What is the poet ‘it’ refers to?                                             

Answer: ‘It’ refers to that moment of silence and quietness when peace and calmness will prevail.

(b) Who is the poet speaking to?                                             

Answer: The poet is addressing mankind who has no time for quiet introspection in its hectic life.

(c) What would be the moment like?                                        

Answer: The moment would be exotic and extra ordinary, a new experience in which mankind will sense bonding and togetherness with each other.

4. If we were not so single-minded

about keeping our lives moving,

and for once could do nothing,

perhaps a huge silence

might interrupt this sadness

of never understanding ourselves

and of threatening ourselves with


(a) Whom does “we” refer to in the above lines?

Answer:  “We” in the above lines refers to human beings.

(b) Why does the poet want us to ‘do nothing’ for once?

Answer:  Man is involved with a large number of destructive activities. He is creating noise pollution, environmental pollution and destroying wildlife and marine life. He is waging wars and is also destroying his own fellow men. It is only during the few seconds of silence and inactivity that man will be able to take stock of his harmful activities and try to practice harmony and brotherhood in the world.

(c) What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem?

Answer: The sadness the poet refers to in his poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’, is that of never being able to understand ourselves through introspection. We are single-minded about moving on and focus only on our ambitions and goals. This feeling and the threat to cause our own destruction makes us feel sad.

5. Perhaps the Earth can teach us

As when everything seems dead

And later proves to be alive.

Now I’ll count up to twelve

And you keep quiet and I will go

(a) What does the earth teach us?

Answer:  The Earth teaches us how new life springs from dead remains, and how there is life under apparent stillness. When everything appears to be dead the one thing that remains alive is the earth itself.

(b) Why does the poet count up to twelve?

Answer:  The poet wants to achieve peace by counting upto twelve. He wants us to introspect in a moment of silence.

(c)  What will keeping quiet help us to achieve?

Answer:  By keeping quiet and calm man will realise his follies and refrain from harmful and destructive activities. It will also help in creating a feeling of natural understanding and introspection among human beings.

Q. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

Q. Why does the poet want to count to twelve?     

Answer: The poet asks each one of us to count to twelve and then be quiet and still. This quietness will create a moment of togetherness among all; a condition which is foremost for the survival of humanity, which is indeed an achievement. It will also give us time to analyse our actions and their consequences.

Q. How, according to Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to life? 2014, Delhi, Comptt., SET I

Answer: Keeping quiet and suspending all our wasteful activities for a brief moment will give us time to introspect and analyse our own actions. We will develop a new understanding of our surroundings and thus change our attitude to life. We will check our destructive ways and try to be more positive and constructive.

1. What is the exotic moment the poet Pablo Neruda wishes for? 

Answer: The poet Pablo Neruda wishes for the moments of quiet introspection. He longs to have such moments since he believes it is only during introspection that a person forgets about his greed, selfishness and cruelty. The feeling of love and brotherhood takes up the feeling of rivalry. A person becomes a good human being during such moments.

2. According to the poet, what is it that human beings can learn from Nature?

Answer: We must not forget that nature is a fine teacher. It teaches a lot of things to all of us. It keeps on working and remains calm and composed. So teaches us to be quiet and still. It is no use to hinder others. We should grow and develop at our own place. We should be contended with what we possess. There is no need for greed. The nature always remains alive.

3. What is the sadness that the poet, Pablo Neruda refers to in the poem, “Keeping Quiet”? 

Answer: The poet talks about the sadness that is within the people. In order to fulfill their desires and completing their duty, they become so selfish that they forget others and live without happiness and universal brotherhood. Let us introspect ourselves and create mutual understanding.

4. How can suspension of activities help? 

Answer: Suspension of wasteful activities and remaining quiet for some time helps us to assess ourselves and self analyze our activities for mental relaxation and help human race.

5. What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem? What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars?  

Answer: The poet talked of the chemical wars, war with fire, wars with ammunition, war with environment (green wars). According to him, these wars are the gate to destruction, therefore should be avoided, as there will be no survivors to enjoy the victory.

6. Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in ‘Keeping Quiet?       

Answer: The exotic moment the author talks about is when everyone keeps quiet and still. The moment would be extraordinarily tranquil, with no hustle bustle of the frenzied world. Although it may seem little strange in the beginning, it would eventually bring us all together. Ultimately, this is the introspection which makes one united with one’s soul.

7. Which images in the poem, “Keeping Quiet” show that the poet condemns violence? 

Answer: The poet announces that he wants ‘no truck with death’ and further condemns all types of wars be it chemical war or war against environment. He says these wars will be so destructive that there would be no survivors.

8. ‘Life is what it is all about…..’ How is keeping quiet related to life?      

Answer: Keeping quiet does not mean absolute sluggishness. It simply means to quit all the destructive and harmful activities. The poet wants ‘no truck with death.’ Keeping quiet is related to doing activities in a purposeful and thoughtful manner. The poet suggests the necessity of quiet introspection but does not advocate total inactivity and death.

9.What does the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us?

Answer: The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ teaches us the importance of introspection. The people of the world are overactive and always on the move. Keeping quiet will do them a lot of good. It will save them from many harmful and wasteful activities. It will help in reflecting over the fate of man and help in creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings.


  1. Thank you so much sir for your sincere efforts 🙏🙏


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