The Colour of Dreams (One Act Play) by Mohammed Suleman
The Colour of Dreams (One Act Play) by Mohammed Suleman Characters Maya: 12 years old, bright but easily distracted. Amma: Maya's mother, a hardworking teacher. Dadda: Maya's grandfather, a retired professor. Setting A small, cozy living room in a typical Indian household. The room is filled with books, symbolizing the importance of language and learning. (Scene opens with Maya nervously flipping through her textbook. She mutters to herself, struggling to process the information. Amma enters, looking concerned.) Amma: (Gently) Maya, beta, have you revised for your exam tomorrow? Maya: (Stammering) Um... not really, Amma. I... I got distracted. Amma: (Sighing) Maya, I've been reminding you for days. This exam is important. You can't afford to fail. Maya: (Whining) But Amma, it's so much to study! I don't think I can remember everything. Amma: You have to try, Maya. You are capable of doing well. Think about your dreams. What do you wan...